The University of Nantes is organising the 8th International Conference on ”Fundamentals & Development of Fuel Cells FDFC 2019, in Nantes, France, from February 12th to February 14th, 2019. Three laboratories are in fact involved in this organisation: LTEN (Laboratory of Thermal Sciences and Energy of Nantes), IMN (Institute of Materials of Nantes) and IREENA (Research Institute on Electrical Energy of Nantes-Atlantic).
The main topics at FDFC2019 will address fuel cells and electrolysers, ranging from fundamentals of electrochemistry to systems operation. Recent advances in materials, single cells, stacks and system development, as well as fuel cell diagnosis, power processing and control, characterisation of MEA, will be also presented during the conference.
At a larger scale, the conference will also address the advancement of hydrogen production and storage for different applications, as well as the role and the potential impact of fuel cells and hydrogen on grid operation and cities. Besides presenting scientific and technical advances, the conference is designed to instigate insightful discussions and networking between scientists, laboratories, research institutes, decision makers, fuel cells suppliers, component manufacturers and industrial end-users. Exhibitions will be held during the conference, giving an excellent opportunity for fuel cell material and
The three-days FDFC2019 conference will be held right at the heart of the city of Nantes at La Cité Nantes Congress Center ( In addition to our sessions including plenary lectures and exhibitions, several social events will provide excellent opportunities for discussion and networking in a relaxed atmosphere.hardware suppliers as well as manufacturers to advertise their products and to present them to future users.
Fuel Cell & Electrolysis Technologies: Components, Materials and DesignModelling, Control and Optimization Systems, Balance of Plant and IntegrationDiagnosis, Prognosis, Durability and Lifetime ImprovementHydrogen Storage
Clean Vehicles and Hybrid VehiclesEnergy Efficiency- Buildings and CHPPortable Applications, Back-Up Power, Light Traction and Auxiliary Power UnitsStorage of Renewable Energy (Systems, H2 Infrastructure)Environmental Impact, Safety, Markets and Policy Issues